It’s been a long time since we last posted MotionMark scores. I thought it would make sense to re-run them with the latest versions of all browsers.All tests were run on a MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2018), with a 2.9GHz 6-Core Intel Core i9. I disabled mail and Time Machine to minimise interruptions. Unlike our previous, more thorough, analysis, I only ran each test three times. That averaged the results but, since I wanted screenshots, I chose the test run with the highest score in each case.
The scores for the various browsers were:
Flow (5.8.0): 1087.51, 1196.89, 964.05
Safari (13.0.4): 755.13, 756.02, 734.09
Chrome (79.0.3945.130): 268.70, 287.16, 286.46
Firefox (72.0.2): 83.27, 110.63, 85.52
Firefox (72.0.2 with WebRender): 226.53, 284.43, 272.61
On every embedded device we have tried, Flow also comes top, but macOS is the only platform where Safari, Chrome and Firefox are available.